As they say, the best defense is a great offense and that holds true in dealing with Iguana remediation. If you take away their preferred habitat they will move on.
All of these will make it less hospitable for the Iguanas. Take away their food and shelter, they will move on in search of better accommodations.
If you already have an Iguana population around, it’s best to start with removing them. The safest and most humane way is by trapping and having them humanely euthanized. This way you are assured that you don’t end up with wounded Iguanas running off and dying in places where they can’t be retrieved. If you see them on your roof, you’ll want to have the roof inspected right away. It’s very likely they have found a way in and are living in the attic. The damage they cause is not covered by insurance. You never want to see Iguanas on you roof!
Removing any of the Iguana’s favorite foods, such as - avocados, mangos, berries, and flowers like geraniums, carnations, dandelions, hibiscus, nasturtiums, and roses. All are major attractions for Iguanas. Many homeowners resist this recommendation but it’s a must or just resolve yourself to having Iguanas. You’re basically feeding them, and it will only attract more.
Trim all shrubs away from the house at lease 2 feet back from the house and 2 feet below from the eves of the roof. This will greatly reduce the Iguanas’ ability to access the roof.
The roof provides Iguanas 2 major benefits they NEED - Shelter and Warmth. If you have solar panels, they will live under them until they can find a way into the attic.
Stop the Iguana’s access to safety by installing IggyWrap™ on your trees the Iguanas will not be able to climb the trees for find safety and security.
Lanai skirting If you a Lanai covering your pool or porch, IggySkirt will stop the Iguanas for being able to climb the Lanai and ultimately gain access to the roof.
Keep an eye out for Iguana burrows around your property. They should be immediately removed as soon as noticed. They will ultimately big dozens of babies
The hardest part for property and homeowners is coming to terms with need to remove the food supply that the Iguanas depend on. When we say food supply, we mean a whole host different pants, vegetation, and trees. These include Bougainvillea. orchids and orchid trees, Impatiens, Roses, Nasturtium, Hibiscus, melons, and for sure all Mango trees!
This could mean having to redo all your landscaping. A tough choice but a necessary one if you truly want to deter Iguanas from your yard. We do offer other solutions to remediate the Iguanas in an effort to help you find a balance between removing everything.
Call us today for a free consultation.
IggyTrap of Florida, LLC.
Boca Raton, Florida 33486, United States
1-888-355-4449 (IGGY)